Allan Vaag

Research manager

Translational Type 2 Diabetes Research,Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen


Our research is based on human studies of people with type 2 diabetes as well as people at risk of developing the disease. Our studies involve both very detailed physiological studies of smaller groups of subjects, often in combination with various lifestyle interventions, as well as larger but less detailed epidemiological studies of up to several thousands of subjects.

The research group has a special interest in the area of fetal programming of type 2 diabetes as a result of either fetal malnutrition or due to the mother having diabetes in pregnancy.

The group has over the years contributed to our current understanding of type 2 diabetes as being extremely heterogenous, including both a multifactorial aetiology, as well as multiple a multiple organ pathophysiology with metabolic defects in many different organs including pancreas, liver, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, intestines etc.

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