Dive into the world of research with the Forskningsfortællinger podcast

Forskningsfortællinger focuses on current societal themes by exploring research-based knowledge in different areas. Common to the episodes is that they all revolve around research, researchers or projects supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The podcast is produced by the Novo Novo Foundation in collaboration with the podcast agency Kontekst & Lyd.

Season 3
Therapy Breakthroughs 23. may 2022 3 min Dean of Architecture Jakob Brandtberg Knudsen Episode 2
Data science has really made its mark in both the research community and the rest of society. This broadly useful research field can even help to make the world a better place, for example by curbing the transmission of malaria in Dar es Salaam and other major cities in Africa.
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Health and Wellness 5. mar 2022 4 min Associate Professor Nina Geiker Episode 1
A new research project will look back a generation to investigate whether the epigenetic expression of future parents with obesity can be altered before pregnancy – and thereby reduce the risk of their future children developing metabolic diseases. More knowledge in this field will improve the understanding of early intervention initiatives to counteract overweight among children and adolescents.
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Season 2
Green Innovation 18. nov 2021 4 min Professor Anders Bentien Episode 6
The otherwise maligned gas CO<sub>2</sub> has great potential if we can become more proficient at capturing and recycling it before it reaches the atmosphere. With the right processing, it can replace several fossil-based raw materials such as oil and methane so that we do not have to extract them underground. This episode of the Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish) takes a closer look at how to imitate a well-known process from the human body to capture CO<sub>2</sub> and how it can be converted to a building block for the chemical industry by combining electrochemistry and microbiology.
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Green Innovation 14. sep 2021 1 min Senior Scientist and Adjunct Professor Stig Purup Episode 5
We may be able to drink a glass of milk in the future without it originating from the udder of a grass-fed dairy cow – but comes instead from laboratory-cultured mammary cells from a cow. How will this affect the climate if a sustainable alternative reduces our dependence on milk production from dairy cows? And are consumers ready to consume this new type of milk? A new episode of the Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish) examines these issues more closely.
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Green Innovation 6. jul 2021 3 min Professor Dennis Sandris Nielsen Episode 4
Several researchers are collaborating to develop a new food category that can feed more people using fewer resources. With the help of microorganisms, they will create plant-based food that satisfies our taste buds in a form that can become a real alternative to meat. You can hear more about this project in the Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish), which also examines what it takes to get consumers to eat more plant-based food.
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Green Innovation 1. jun 2021 2 min Professor Krist V. Gernaey Episode 3
How is the green transition progressing in the biotechnology industry in Denmark? What is the research and commercial potential for working systematically to use residual products from one company as a resource for another? The Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish) examines this more closely.
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Green Innovation 30. mar 2021 1 min Professor Michael Broberg Palmgren Episode 2
We may have to use gene technology more to enable us to feed a growing world population and avoid depleting the soil. This episode of the Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish) examines how CRISPR gene-editing technology can be used to transform wild plants into sustainable crops. We also examine the scepticism surrounding genetically engineered food that characterizes the public debate, especially in Europe.
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Green Innovation 10. mar 2021 1 min Senior Researcher Michael Krogh Jensen Episode 1
Microorganisms such as yeast and fungi can function as miniature factories for producing such products as bioethanol and food colorants, which are otherwise produced by plants cultivated on precious agricultural land. This episode of our Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish) explores how specific microorganisms can be used to advance the green transition in areas such as producing food and fuel.
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Season 1
Therapy Breakthroughs 22. dec 2020 1 min Episode 6
How was TestCenter Denmark established very rapidly in spring 2020? What role did the Danish National Biobank play in establishing it? And what will TestCenter Denmark’s role be in connection with the impending vaccination of the population, which will apparently be rolled out shortly? You can get some of the answers to this in the Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish), which this time visits Statens Serum Institut (SSI), at which both TestCenter Denmark and the Biobank are located.
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Therapy Breakthroughs 4. dec 2020 1 min MD and PhD Andreas Andersen Episode 5
Researchers from Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen and others are investigating how blood glucose affects the heart’s pumping function among people with diabetes who are hospitalized with COVID-19. In the Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish), you can hear how the researchers will investigate whether controlling blood glucose can improve treatment for these people.
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Therapy Breakthroughs 20. nov 2020 1 min Clinical Research Associate Professor Jens-Ulrik Stæhr Jensen Episode 4
Is a combination of antimalarial drugs and antibiotics effective against COVID-19? Researchers cannot yet provide a definite answer, but research is underway. In the Forskningsfortællinger podcast (in Danish), we dive into a research project that investigates whether a combination of antimalarial drugs and antibiotics can protect the lungs of people with COVID-19 – and who might benefit in certain circumstances.
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Therapy Breakthroughs 5. okt 2020 6 min Clinical Associate Professor Eske Kvanner Aasvang Episode 3
People hospitalized with COVID-19 can very rapidly change from stable improvement to extremely critical condition. This requires continuous monitoring of respiration and circulation since prompt treatment can be crucial to ensure survival. An intelligent wireless clinical support system for monitoring people with COVID-19 24/7 has now been developed. This monitoring can identify who will become critically ill.
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Therapy Breakthroughs 9. sep 2020 3 min Clinical Professor Merete Nordentoft Episode 2
So far, most of the most socially disadvantaged people in Denmark have avoided contracting COVID-19. However, this situation may change. A professor of psychiatry will monitor COVID-19 among vulnerable social groups by investigating the trends in hostels, shelters, crisis centres and sheltered housing for people with mental health problems. The results can be used as a monitoring tool and to evaluate the initiatives being taken to prevent transmission. The Municipality of Odense has experience in tailoring health services for socially disadvantaged people who do not have access to a general practitioner or NemID (Denmark’s digital identity) to enable them to access COVID-19 testing.
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Therapy Breakthroughs 27. aug 2020 1 min Episode 1
How can we use research to mitigate the health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic – and minimize the risk that we will have to experience something similar in the future?
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