Martin Frederik Laursen

Associate professor

DTU Food


My core-interests centres around infant diet, gut microbiology and health but also a general basic understanding of microbial ecology of human associated microbiomes and studying the impact of these communities and their metabolic products on host health. I dedicate my research to explore and expand on our understanding of the complex interplay between diet, microbiome and health. Especially, bringing into play mechanistic details and causality in a field where these are generally lacking.

Basic and molecular microbiology: Culturing aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, isolation and characterization of gut bacteria

Bioinformatics, data analysis and statistics: Genome assembly, transcriptome analysis, 16S rRNA amplicon sequence analysis.

Laboratory animal experimentation: Design and management of animal experiments in conventional and/or germ free/gnotobiotic mice.

Infant gut microbiome: Expert knowledge on the factors that influence the development of the infant gut microbiota.

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