Lisbeth Mølgaard Laustsen

PhD student

Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University and affiliated with DEFACTUM, Central Denmark Region


As a Ph.D. student with a background in public health science, I am particularly focused on how we can use data to inform decisions and priorities in the healthcare system. In my Ph.D. project, I am investigating how former psychiatric patients fare in the long term and potential social determinants for this, such as loneliness. I am affiliated with DEFACTUM, where I delve into the use of survey data, and anchored at the Clinical Epidemiology Department under Aarhus University, where I immerse myself in linking with registry data.

Competency Profile:
- Public Health Science
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Survey and Registry Data
- Psychiatry and Excess Mortality/Morbidity
- Social and Mental Health

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