Mihaela Angelova

Postdoctoral Fellow

Cancer Evolution and Genome Instability Laboratory, Francis Crick Institute, London, United Kingdom


The Cancer Evolution and Genome Instability Laboratory at the Francis Crick Institute in London, United Kingdom, is a pioneering research group dedicated to understanding the mechanisms driving cancer evolution and genomic instability. Led by Professor Charles Swanton, the lab focuses on how cancer cells evolve and adapt, particularly in the context of therapeutic resistance. Their research delves into the genetic diversity within tumors, the role of DNA damage and repair pathways, and the influence of the tumor microenvironment on cancer progression. By integrating advanced techniques such as single-cell sequencing, CRISPR gene editing, and computational biology, the lab aims to uncover the underlying processes that enable cancer cells to survive and thrive despite treatment. This knowledge is crucial for developing more effective, personalized cancer therapies that can target these adaptive mechanisms. The lab's work is instrumental in pushing the boundaries of cancer research, with

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